Publications, evidence and research on freshwater and terrestrial species

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NRW series - report number NRW evidence report series - title

Monitoring allis and twaite shad: quality assurance and species identification using molecular techniques


Modelling the response of the twaite shad (Alosa fallax) population in the Afon Tywi SAC to a modified temperature regime

7 Monitoring invertebrate features on SSSIs: (Tetragnatha striata) on Newport Wetlands NNR, Gwent
9 Assessment of marsh fritillary habitat quality around Cors Erddreiniog SAC, Anglesey
10 Surveillance of the narrow-mouthed whorl snail (Vertigo angustior) at Pembrey, Carmarthen Bay Dunes SAC

A review of the scarce and threatened spiders (Araneae) of Great Britain: Species Status No.22


A review of the non-marine mollusca of Great Britain: Species Status No. 17

19 Monitoring waterbird distributions and the feeding activity of oyster catcher and knot in the Burry Inlet SPA and Carmarthen Bay SAC – winter 2013/14 
21 Brownfield sites and their value for invertebrates – A survey of selected sand quarries in northeast Wales in 2013: Borras quarry and Marford quarry 
22 Monitoring invertebrates by pitfall trapping after excavation of the surface vegetation in two slacks at Newborough Warren – Ynys Llanddwyn SSSI in 2013

The status and distribution of the shrill carder bee (Bombus sylvarum) in the Kenfig – Port Talbot area in 2013


Spatial conservation status modelling of the great crested newt in South Wales


Quantifying the status of great crested newts in Wales


Sand lizard and natterjack toad recovery project 2011-2014


Improving the assessment of habitat area and quality for bats in Wales under Article 17 of the Habitats Directive


Llyn Tegid Hydroacoustic Survey 2014


Survey for the blue ground beetle (Carabus intricatus) in Coed Maesmelin, Glamorgan

46 Assessment of marsh fritillary habitat quality around Gweunydd Blaencleddau SAC, Pembrokeshire
47 Baseline survey of the riffle beetle (Normandia nitens) on the Lower Wye SSSI, Wales
48 Afon Tywi SAC shad egg surveys 2013 & 2014
52 Macrophyte Survey of Welsh Lakes for Habitats Directive and Water Framework Directive Monitoring, 2014
53 Monitoring Allis and Twaite Shad: quality assurance and species identification using molecular techniques
54 A survey of the spider (Agroeca dentigera) on Dyfi NNR, with a particular focus on Ynyslas Dunes, in 2013 and 2014
60 Monitoring invertebrates in 2014 by finger searching and pitfall trapping after excavation of the surface vegetation in three slacks at Newborough Warren – Ynys Llanddwyn SSSI
73 Floating water plantain (Luronium natans). Current distribution and status in Llyn Padarn and Llyn Cwellyn, Wales
74 Assessment of the condition of the white-clawed crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes) in the River Wye Special Area of Conservation in 2014
76 Spatial action plan for great crested newts in Anglesey: a manual for achieving favourable conservation status
77 Spatial action plan for great crested newts in Wrexham: a manual for achieving favourable conservation status
78 Spatial action plan for great crested newts in Flintshire: a manual for achieving favourable conservation status
79 Bryophyte survey of Newborough Warren – Ynys Llanddwyn, Anglesey
84 The status of sea stock (Matthiola sinuata) in South Wales
87 Afon Tywi SAC shad spawning assessment 2015 (Alosa alosa & Alosa fallax), incorporating classification of 2013 and 2014 survey data
91 Eryri SSSI bryophyte survey 2015
106 Afon Teifi SAC population attribute condition assessment for brook, river and sea lamprey population 2014
134 Welsh dune fungi: data collation, evaluation and conservation priorities
140 River Dee & Bala lake SAC population attribute condition assessment for brook, river and sea lamprey 2014
146 The effects of topography and rainfall on the distribution of Oceanic/Atlantic bryophytes in Wales – revised 2015
152 Assessment of marsh fritillary habitat quality on Castlemartin Range, Pembrokeshire in 2015
153 Assessment of the condition of the white-clawed crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes) in the River Wye Special Area of Conservation in 2014-2015
157 The status of Desmoulin’s whorl snail (Vertigo moulinsiana) at Rhos Goch NNR in 2015
160 The status of the Snowdon beetle (Chrysolina cerealis) on Yr Wyddfa in 2015
164 **Freshwater pearl mussel larval encystment of host fish species on the Afon Eden – Cors Goch Trawsfynydd SAC
169 **Afon Eden – Cors Goch Trawsfynydd SAC freshwater pearl mussel population condition assessment report. Habitats Directive reporting cycle 3 2013 – 2018
173  Condition assessment of the Glutinous snail (Myxas glutinosa) in Llyn Tegid in 2014 
174 Garndolbenmaen Weir freshwater pearl mussel survey
180 The status of the gipsywort weevil (Datonychus arquatus) on Pembrey Air Weapons Range in 2016
182 The importance of exposed riverine sediments at Llanelltyd on the Afon Mawddach for invertebrates in 2016
184 Survey for the blue ground beetle (Carabus intricatus) at Coed Maesmelin and other woodlands in the Neath Valley, Glamorgan
185 Assessing the scale of sphagnum moss collection in Wales
187 Assessment of the condition of the white-clawed crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes) in the River Wye Special Area of Conservation in 2014-2016
189 The status and distribution of the strandline beetle (Eurynebria complanata) on Whiteford Burrows, Cefn Sidan, Laugharne & Pendine Burrows and Frainslake Sands, Castlemartin in 2016
193 The status of the Snowdon beetle (Chrysolina cerealis) on Yr Wyddfa in 2016
199 Instigation of actions to investigate the behaviour and ecology of the glutinous snail (Myxas glutinosa) in field conditions in Llyn Tegid in 2016
200 The status of the caddis (Adicella filicornis) in Wales in 2016
201 A survey for the caddis (Limnephilus tauricus) on Cors Erddreiniog, Anglesey in 2016
202 A survey for the sandhill rustic (Luperina nickerlii gueneei) on Newborough Warren National Nature Reserve in 2016
209 A survey for Geyer’s whorl snail (Vertigo geyeri) on Cors Erddreiniog SSSI and Cors Geirch SSSI in 2016
210 A survey for Desmoulin’s whorl snail (Vertigo moulinsiana) on Cors Geirch NNR/SSSI and the Afon Penrhos floodplain in 2016
211 A bryophyte assessment of Coedydd Nedd a Mellte SAC and associated SSSIs, 2006 to 2017
212 A lichen survey of the Teifi Gorge, with special reference to three Section 7 species
224 The importance of watercourses for lichens in Eryri SSSI
236 Special Protection Areas in Welsh waters: Indicative site level feature condition assessments 2018
242 Fungal survey of the Wye Valley woodlands Special Area of Conservation (SAC) 
245 Saproxylic invertebrate survey of Wye Valley woodlands Special Area of Conservation (SAC) in 2017

Monitoring invertebrate features on SSSIs: assessing and reviewing the status of the troglobitic spider (Porrhomma rosenhaueri) in Ogof y Ci and Lesser Garth Cave, South Wales in 2017


The status and distribution of the ground beetle (Harpalus melancholicus) at Stackpole Warren in 2017 

249 The status and distribution of the ground beetle (Leistus montanusin) 2017 at its historic sites in Wales 
254 Monitoring wetland invertebrates, Rhos Goch N Reserve, Radnorshire 2017
258 Surveys for Desmoulin’s whorl snail (Vertigo moulinsiana) on Cors Geirch NNR/SSSI and the Afon Penrhos floodplain & for Geyer’s whorl snail (Vertigo geyeri) on Cors Geirch NNR in 2017
259 Review of the Current Conservation Status (CCS) of the Great Crested Newt in Wales, with specific references to its longterm prospects and within its stronghold in North-East Wales
263 The status and distribution of the scarab beetles (Rhysothorax rufa) and (Onthophagus nuchicornis) on Welsh dunes in 2017
289 Evaluating Scapanietum asperae in Wales
292 Epiphytic Lichen Survey of Gregynog SSSI, Montgomeryshire, 2018 
298 Lichen surveys to investigate ammonia impacts
302 Sand lizard surveys at Newborough Warren NNR and sand dune habitat management guidance

An assessment of the current condition of the saproxylic invertebrate assemblage at Castell y Waun a’i Barcdir/Chirk Castle and Parkland SSSI in 2018

320 Saproxylic Invertebrate Survey of Wye Valley Woodlands Special Area of Conservation (SAC) in 2018
332  Sorbus diversity in the Wye Valley Woodlands SAC, Wales
264 A comparison of the dune slack invertebrate faunas of Newborough Warren, Morfa Dyffryn and Morfa Harlech in 2015 
297 The current status and distribution of the beetles Anthonomus conspersus, Aulacobaris lepidii and Thinobius newberyi on selected Welsh SSSIs in 2018
326 A survey of the River Dee for the Scarce Yellow Sally stonefly Isogenus nubecula in spring 2018

Review of the wider biodiversity and ecosystem benefits of Great Crested Newt designated and mitigation Sites, with specific reference to North East Wales


A review of non-vascular plant and fungal SSSI features in Wales - Lichens


A review of limestone woundwort Stachys alpina L. with special reference to Wales


Otter Survey Wales 2015-2018


Survey of Upland Saxicolous Lichens & Lichenicolous Fungi at Carn Owen/Cerrig yr Hafan, Ceredigion (VC 46 Cardiganshire)


Oak Saprotrophic Fungi surveys of Chirk Castle, Dinefwr Estate and Gregynog 2021


Survey of coastal lichens in two SSSIs in Ceredigion


Ditrichum plumbicola survey of Mwyngloddiau Fforest Gwydir/Gwydir Forest Mines SAC


A synopsis of UK and European cormorant and goosander dietary studies


A winter census 20-21 of cormorant and goosander in Wales


Spring 2021 survey of Cormorant and Goosander on the River Usk


Appraisal of the effectiveness of non-lethal and lethal control of fish-eating birds in preventing serious damage to natural and stocked fisheries


An appraisal of the potential for using catchment or area-based licences to reduce the impact of fish-eating birds on Welsh freshwater fisheries


Genetic ancestry of introduced populations of sand lizard (Lacerta agilis) in Wales


2020/21 winter census of cormorant and goosander in Wales: design and analytical approach


A Lichen Survey of the Gwydyr Forest Mines


Informing decisions on lethal control of great cormorant and goosander in Wales: scenarios from Population Viability Analysis


Lichen survey of Nannerth Woods


Lichen survey of Cae Gwyn


Lichen survey of Coed Maes-mawr, Coed Esgairneuriau a Cheunant Caecenau SSSI


Coetiroedd Cwm Elan / Elan Valley Woodlands SAC: Lichen survey of Gro Woods & Nant Rhyd-coch/Dol y mynach


Great Britain willow tit survey 2019-2021 A Welsh perspective


Mire bryophyte survey of the northern part of Mynydd Hiraethog SSSI


Limestone lichens of three areas in the Brecon Beacons


Survey of upland rock lichens in Mynydd Preseli SSSI, Pembrokeshire


DNA Barcoding survey of dune slack Bryum in Wales


Surveillance of the montane macrolichen Thamnolia vermicularis in Eryri, 2022

672 Using remote activated cameras to estimate relative abundance and habitat preference of red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris)

The identification and characterisation of small salmon populations to support their conservation and management


Lichen survey of three coastal SSSIs on the Llŷn Peninsula, Gwynedd


Gathering twig lichen data for Powys SSSIs to investigate ammonia levels: Second phase


Patterns of Gamebird Release, Management, and Shooting in Wales


A Review of The Ecological Effects of Gamebird Release and Management in Wales


Lichen monitoring of the Dinefwr Estate


Grassland Fungi baseline surveys of the Chirk Castle and Maes Gwyn Estates and a repeat survey of Baddy’s Park


Lichen survey of parts of Gwydyr Forest, Glyn Lledr, Gwynedd

715 Large Heath Butterfly monitoring within Cors Fochno SAC, 1986 to 2022

Lichen survey of Baron Hill Park SSSI


A review of evidence on the interactions of beavers with the natural and human environment in Wales


Eryri snowbed bryophyte monitoring 2023


Bontddu Gorge Hydropower Bryophyte Monitoring Revised


A survey of lichens on pine snags at Cors y Llyn National Nature Reserve


Ganllwyd SSSI: site dossier of epiphytic lichen interest

Last updated