Usk & Glasfynydd Forest Resource Plan – Approved 18 November 2022

Location and setting

The Glasfynydd & Usk forest exceeds 1,600 hectares of predominantly coniferous woodland which includes Glasfynydd as the main forest block with Yr Allt, Battle, Glyn Tarrell and Blaenbyrynach.  The woodlands are in South Powys with the exception of the western section of Glasfynydd, located in Carmarthenshire.  Most of the plantations were established by the Forestry Commission in the 1960s.  The woodlands are in the process of diversifying their age-class structure from even-age plantation to mixed age class to increase edge habitat, regulate timber yield and minimise the effects of pests and diseases. 

The forest represents approximately 1% of the Welsh Government Woodland Estate and a similar proportion of the annual timber harvest.  The forest neighbours are large scale upland agricultural holdings and other mid-lowland farms in the Brecon Beacons National Park.  Much of the forest was established on high elevation, wet soils, an environment that limits species choice and management options i.e. Low Impact Silvicultural Systems due to windthrow risk.

Summary of objectives

On establishing the base line information for the plan and consulting internally with Natural Resources Wales staff the following objectives have been agreed:

  1. Promote the long-term resilience in woodland and grassland ecosystems as directed by:

This objective will be achieved by producing a Forest Resource Plan that complies with the UK Forestry Standard and UK Woodland Assurance Standard. The subsequent forest operations and programmes of work are delivered safely and without adverse environmental impact. Crucially, the additional opportunities map, of evidenced operations for resilience, climate change mitigation & biodiversity gain can be implemented should resources be made available. The mid-term review of the approved Forest Resource Plan must evaluate whether delivery was safe, clean and efficient and whether the Opportunities Map enabled additional work in the forest.

  1. Maintain a sustainable supply of timber of approximately 15,000 m3 of timber per year for the approval period of the plan. The implemented Forest Management Systems map will drive programmes for forest infrastructure, first thinnings, biodiversity thinnings, landscape change, species and woodland structure diversity along with biodiversity connectivity. 5-year monitoring of habitat & species composition from the sub compartment database, completed thinning and clear-felling records with comparisons to production forecast data.

  2. Evolve the forest structure to buffer against possible safety, pollution and tree health issues such as hazardous trees, damage by Deer and riparian buffer zones. The Indicative Woodland Type map will promote species diversity when restocking and the implemented Forest Management Systems map will drive programmes for removing liabilities such as Larch infected with Phytophthora ramorum, hazardous trees adjacent to recreation facilities and improving light conditions in riparian buffer zones. 5-year monitoring of habitat & species composition from the sub compartment database.

  3. Maintain and enhance priority habitats and support protected species, with a focus on ancient semi-natural woodlands, Pine Marten and Schedule 1 birds. Opportunities to expand natural habitats and habitat for protected species will be mapped for future resource planning. The implemented Forest Management Systems and Indicative Woodland Type maps will drive programmes for thinning and bog restoration in sites where the most positive impact for biodiversity can be achieved. 5-year monitoring of habitat & species composition from the sub compartment database, completed thinning and clear-felling records with comparisons to production forecast data. Records of habitat improvement works on Ancient Semi Natural Woodland and Peatlands with subsequent monitoring on site.

  4. Management of vegetation and open space to promote structural diversity in rides and roadsides, manage invasive species and favour regenerating trees in the right locations. The implemented Forest Management Systems map, rides, roads and permanent open space will drive programmes for vegetation control that where possible will take advantage of commercial opportunities e.g. harvesting roadside brash. 5-year monitoring of habitat and species compositions from the sub compartment database and records of completed vegetation control operations.

  5. Maintain and enhance the recreation facilities, cultural heritage features and landscape value of the forest by implementing the Forest Management Systems map which has been tested in 3D visualisation and assessed by internal and external stakeholders. 5-year monitoring of clear-fell and restocking implementation in the sub compartment database against the Forest Management Systems map. Reflect on operations to improve or maintain recreation/heritage features and analysis & recommendations from studies into improving Natural Resources Wales’s offer with regard public recreation, landscape and cultural heritage.


Comments or feedback

If you have any comments or feedback, you can contact the Forest Resource Planning team at

Last updated