Working in protected areas

Designated site screening for permit applications

Search the map below for protected areas by using an address, postcode, or name of a village, town or city. 

Click the 'layer list' icon on the top right to see the different types of protected sites. 


You can also use our designated sites tool to identify protected species and habitats close to your proposed activity.

The tool provides information on the following designations:

  • Sites of Special Scientific Interest
  • Special Areas of Conservation
  • Special Protection Areas
  • Ramsar

How to use the tool

You can search using the designated site name or the county your activity is in, and the type of designation. 

It’s important to remember that screening distances for permit applications are taken from the boundary of the proposed site/activity, and not the centre.

How the information can help you

If you’re applying for a bespoke permit, you can use this information to help complete the required site specific risk assessment.

If you’re applying for a standard rule permit the information can help identify whether you can meet some of the location criteria for the standard rule set(s) you want.

However, it’s important to remember that other location criteria apply to most standard rule permits. Even if your proposed activity (site) is not within distance of a designated site on the screening tool, you still may not meet all relevant location criteria for the rule set you want.  We suggest you contact us for formal pre-application advice on whether you can meet all relevant location criteria.

How to get further advice

If you’re still unsure about whether you need to consider designated sites, or how they may impact your activity, you can contact us to discuss your future application. We offer a pre-application advice and guidance service for all permit applications.

You can talk to your local compliance officer if you already have one or apply for pre-application advice online

Last updated