Mrs Erin Fury and Mr Gregory Fury - 1 Common Farm Cottages, Beach Road, St Brides Wentlooge, Newport, NP10 8SH

We’ve received an application for a permit from Mrs Erin Fury and Mr Gregory Fury.

New bespoke application for an environmental permit under the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016.

Application number: PAN-026803
Regulated facility type: Package treatment plant
Regulated facility location: 1 Common Farm Cottages, Beach Road, St Brides Wentlooge, Newport, NP10 8SH
NGR discharge point: ST 29982 82112
Receiving environment: St Bride's Wentlooge reens draining into Severn Estuary
Effluent type: Treated sewage effluent
Volume: 1.5 cubic metre per day

You can see the application documents free of charge, from our online public register. You can search for the documents using the application details, above. Or you can request a copy of the information from us. This may take time to process and there could be a charge.

Or write to:
Permitting Service
Natural Resources Wales
Ty Cambria
29 Newport Road
CF24 0TP

If you have any comments send these by 18 October 2024.


We must decide whether to grant or refuse the application. If we grant it, we must decide what conditions to include in the permit.  You can find information about how we make decisions in our Public Participation Statement.

Last updated