Hazardous waste returns: how to complete your template

The template has five sheets. You must complete sheets 2 and 3.

You can use these instructions or follow the guidance in the template. 

Returns information - sheet 2

Tell us about your organisation, contact details and return period in sheet 2.

If you did not deal with hazardous waste for a reporting period, you must tell us in this section.

Returns contact

Provide the full name, phone, and email of the person handling this return at the consignee’s facility. This will help us get in touch with them if we have questions or need clarification.

Consignee details 

Provide organisation name, site/installation name, waste permit number, site address, and site postcode of the consignee.

Do not include special characters such as:

  • apostrophes
  • dashes
  • a 'circumflex' sign
  • the '&' sign

Billing details

Provide the full name and address of the person in your organisation who should receive any invoice in relation to your hazardous waste consignee returns.

Do not include special characters such as:

  • apostrophes
  • dashes
  • a 'circumflex' sign
  • the '&' sign

Consignee internal reference is optional to provide, it will appear on the invoice you receive later.

Return dates

You must provide a consignee return reporting your activities for each 3-month period (quarter) within one month of the end of that quarter:

  • Q1: 1 January - 31 March

  • Q2: 1 April - 30 June 

  • Q3: 1 July - 30 September

  • Q4: 1 October - 31 December

Null returns

If you receive hazardous waste requiring quarterly reporting, but haven’t received any this quarter, submit a null return. To do this, complete the “Returns information” section only, ensuring you enter “Yes” in the “Null returns” cell.

Consignment details - sheet 3

Tell us about your consignment details in sheet 3.

Consignment note code 

Hazardous waste requires a specific document called a “consignment note” to be moved. The consignment note includes a code for the hazardous waste shipment. The consignment code follows this format: ‘XXXXXX/YYYYY, where:

  • “XXXXXX” is the producer’s registration number where X is any letter or number (but no spaces or symbols)

  • “YYYYY” is exactly 5 numbers or letters (not symbols or spaces) where Y is any letter or number (but no spaces)

Natural Resources Wales has regulatory decisions that reduce the reporting requirements for 11 hazardous streams. To find more information about reporting this type of waste, go to consignee returns with reduced reporting and charges.

Collection type

There are two types of hazardous waste collections: 

1. Single - when hazardous waste is collected from one location on a given day. For single collections, do not include round numbers or collection numbers.

2. Multiple - when hazardous waste is collected from 2 or more different locations on the same day. Multiple collections must also meet the following criteria: 

  • collection is completed in a single journey by a single registered waste carrier
  • all waste is taken to the same consignee

For all multiple collections, please include round numbers and collection numbers.

Round number

Provide this for multiple collections only.

It is a unique identifier for the overall collection round you need to agree with the consignee.

Make sure the formatting complies with the standard: 

  • alphanumeric code up to 15 characters; it can include "/" or "-", but not spaces. 

Important: Round number and collection number must be entered in the correct columns. Do not reverse the values.

If collecting multiple types of hazardous waste from the same location, mark it as a "single" collection and leave the round or collection number blank.

Collection number 

Provide this for multiple collections only.

It is a unique identifier for the overall collection round you need to agree with the consignee.

Make sure the formatting complies with the standard: 

  • numeric value up to 2 digits; it indicates the order of collection for locations within the round. For example: first collection location is numbered "01" or "1", second location is "02" or "2". 

Important: Round number and collection number must be entered in the correct columns. Don't reverse the values.

Date received

The date should match the reported quarter. Use format: DD/MM/YYYY (example: 21/12/2021)

Producer postcode

Only use valid UK postcodes in their standard format with the space (no symbols), for example: AA1 2BC.

European Waste Catalogue (EWC) code for hazardous waste

Provide the correct European Waste Catalogue code for hazardous waste. Use the 6-digit format:

  • without spaces, asterisks or extra symbols, for example: “170505”

  • include leading zeros if applicable, for example: “060205”

Do not enter codes for non-hazardous waste.

Hazard code(s)

If your waste has multiple hazardous properties, you must list all applicable hazard codes for that waste and separate each code with a comma and space.

If your waste does not have any hazardous properties, enter “NA” to indicate no applicable codes. If your waste contains POPs (Persistent Organic Pollutants), enter “POP” in the cell to indicate this danger.

Physical form

Select one of the following forms from the list: Gas, Liquid, Solid, Powder, Sludge, or Mixed.


Provide the total weight of the waste in kilogrammes (kg) only. Do not use tonnes or other units. Only input numbers, not text.

Recovery / Disposal code  

The Recovery / Disposal code must match the waste recovery/disposal method used at your site.

Use a three-character code with:

  • One letter - “R” for recovery, “D” for disposal, and

  • Two numbers, with leading “0” if applicable, for example: “01” instead of “1”.

If the hazardous waste was rejected, enter “REJ” in this cell.

When you have finished completing your return

When you have finished your return:

  • make sure it contains all five sheets
  • do not change the order of the sheets
  • check and submit it
Last updated