Construction and demolition waste survey 2012

The survey of construction and demolition (C & D) waste generated in Wales for 2012 calendar year was carried out by RSK Environment Ltd in partnership with Urban Mines, and managed by Natural Resources Wales on behalf of the Welsh Government that funded the project. Ainsworth & Parkinson, Groundwork in Wales and WRc also provided support on the project.

Data was collected from 457 business sites of differing sectors and sizes throughout Wales between July 2013 and January 2014. The data was grossed up using population data to regional and national level in Wales.

Main findings

  • Welsh construction and demolition sectors generated an estimated 3.4 million tonnes of waste
  • The Civil Engineering (47%) and Construction (41%) sectors generated the majority of this waste, with a smaller proportion generated by the General Building (7%) and Demolition (4%) sectors
  • The preparation for re-use, recycling and other material recovery rate for the Construction & Demolition waste generated in Wales was 87% in 2012

Type of waste

The most significant type of C&D waste generated was soil, 46 per cent, followed by aggregate, 37 per cent, mixed general site waste, 10 per cent and wood waste, 3 per cent.

Management of waste

In relation to how these wastes were managed:

  • 1.5 million tonnes, 44 per cent, was prepared for re-use
  • 1.1 million tonnes, 31 per cent, was recycled
  • 639 thousand tonnes, 19 per cent, was disposed via landfill
  • 130 thousand tonnes, 4 per cent, was sent for backfilling

Hazardous waste

An estimated 38 thousand tonnes of hazardous waste was generated by construction and demolition in 2012 out of a total waste generation of 3.4 million tonnes (1%). The main hazardous waste types generated were contaminated soils (41%), bituminous mixtures (34%), asbestos waste (9%) and chemical solvents (7%).

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