Our regulatory service standards: what you can expect from us

For us, ‘Good’ looks like:

  • well led and well managed, with suitably skilled and experienced staff and effective underpinning systems and processes;
  • transparent in our decision-making and continuously improving our service to customers and partners, benchmarking ourselves against the very best

We are committed to developing and delivering an excellent service to all our customers, and take pride in doing a good job. We will do this by being:

Passionate and ambitious

  • We actively seek new ideas and approaches from both inside and outside Natural Resources Wales
  • We seek to innovate in our work and find creative solutions to problems
  • We communicate and engage confidently and in a timely way about our work

Trusted and professional

  • We are open and transparent in explaining our actions and decisions
  • We base our actions and decisions on the best available information
  • We respect the views of others and treat others as we would expect to be treated ourselves
  • We encourage and respond constructively to feedback

Common sense

  • We work together and with others to find practical and pragmatic solutions, inside and outside the organisation
  • We focus on the outcome and use minimum necessary process

Responsible and accountable

  • When we make mistakes, we learn from them and make improvements where we can
  • We are accountable for our actions and decisions

To help deliver this, we aim to provide clear information on:

How to contact us

Welsh Language Scheme

Our standards for specific services

Permitting Service Levels

Environmental Permitting - How we work together

How to access our advice and guidance

Our published advice and guidance

EPR Guidance

How we monitor and support compliance and our approach to checks on compliance

Operator Risk Appraisal - OPRA

How we will respond to non-compliance with regulation – our enforcement policy

Enforcement and Prosecution Policy

What are our fees and charges are and how these are worked out

Our Charges

How to complain or appeal against our decisions

How to complain or give us feedback so that we can improve what we do.

Last updated