Pen Y Cymoedd Forest Resource Plan – Approved 7 February 2023

Location & setting

Pen y Cymoedd Forest Resource Plan covers a large area of forest, modified peat bog and windfarm infrastructure on the Rhigos mountain and surrounding land. It is mainly made up of productive conifer crops with elements of broadleaf woodland and ancient woodland sites in the valley bottoms. A significant proportion of the Forest Resource Plan is subject to a 25-year Section 106 Agreement for the delivery of a Habitat Management Plan (HMP). The HMP's aims are to restore up to 1,500ha of native habitats, such as blanket bog or wet heath, as mitigation for the Pen y Cymoedd windfarm development.

The Welsh Government Woodland Estate managed by NRW is audited every year against a sustainable forest management standard (the UK Woodland Assurance Standard). The auditors verify that the forests and woodlands are managed sustainably and certify that this is the case, thereby providing assurance to customers and stakeholders.

At Pen y Cymoedd, the land under the wind turbines and associated infrastructure (buildings, sub-stations, etc.) is no longer woodland and therefore will be removed from the certified woodland area.

Summary of objectives

  • Ensure the requirements of the Habitat Management Plan (HMP) are included in the design of the FRP and provide a felling programme for the first 10 years of its delivery.
  • Capitalise on the potential natural resource management opportunities the HMP offers to the wider FRP for enhancement of the area’s value to biodiversity through habitat network restoration and development.
  • Continue to maintain a sustainable supply of timber production through design of felling and choice of restocking species.
  • Continue management and restoration of deep peat areas to support carbon sequestration, water regulation and biodiversity.
  • Continue to increase the resilience of our woodlands by diversifying the restocking species being planted to reduce the vulnerability of our woodland to disease. This will also benefit the appearance of our woodlands within the landscape.
  • Increase structural diversity through Low Impact Silvicultural Systems (LISS) management where appropriate and consider the scale, size and timing of any clear fell to avoid felling adjacent coupes before the new trees have reached 2m in height. Outwith areas of peat restoration, older conifer crops should be retained where possible to maintain forest structure and productive potential.
  • Identify areas for thinning within the 5-year thinning plan to enable LISS management and PAWS restoration.
  • Improve habitat connectivity by maintaining and enhancing areas of ancient semi-natural woodland and restoring plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites in line with strategic priorities.
  • Facilitate native woodland expansion where the main crop of larch has had to be prematurely harvested. Restocking of these areas is a key priority going forward to ensure that there is no resulting net loss in forest cover. There is scope to expand and diversify broadleaf sections of the woodland to assist in habitat provision and carbon sequestration where possible.
  • Enhance resilience of non-woodland open habitats (e.g. heath, grassland) as part of the HMP
  • Heritage and cultural features to be identified to avoid damage.
  • Maintain and enhance recreation provision and consider the development of a recreation and access management plan in liaison with the local authorities.
  • Utilise the current road and riparian zone network for the benefit of biodiversity by creating linkages with open habitat.
  • Work with partners, including the public service boards to explore opportunities to reduce anti-social behaviour on the WGWE and to address health inequalities and to improve health and wellbeing of local communities.


Comments or feedback

If you have any comments or feedback, you can contact the Forest Resource Planning team at

Last updated