Equality, diversity and inclusion - an overview

We are developing an organisation where all our visitors, service users and employees are treated fairly, with respect and not put at a disadvantage by any of the following protected characteristics:

  • age
  • disability
  • gender reassignment
  • marriage and civil partnership
  • pregnancy and maternity
  • race
  • religion or belief
  • sex
  • sexual orientation

Read our strategic equality objectives

Equality Annual Report

Our Equality Annual Report demonstrates the work we have undertaken to drive forward the equality agenda. The report outlines the different activity progressed over the previous year, our next steps and a summary of our workforce profile.

Annual diversity and inclusion report 2023 - 2024
Annual diversity and inclusion report 2022 - 2023
Annual diversity and inclusion report 2021 - 2022
Annual diversity and inclusion report 2020 - 2021

Equality Impact Assessments

Equality Impact Assessments support the delivery of our aims and values and is systematic and promotes evidence based consideration of how our work may impact upon different groups, communities and the Welsh language.

Through these impact assessments, we can look for positive impacts that can be strengthened, while potential adverse impacts can be eliminated or mitigated.

Natural Resources Wales is looking for feedback from visitors to our main visitor sites as part of its Equality Impact Assessment which it has a duty to carry out under the Equality Act 2010.

Pay Policy Statement March 2022

Natural Resources Wales (NRW) recognises the importance of a pay system that is equal to all, appropriate, transparent, provides value for money and rewards staff fairly for the work they perform. This policy statement sets out NRWs approach to pay and the relationship between the employee’s pay and the remuneration of senior management.

Pay Policy Statement March 2022

Analysis of Gender Pay Gap

The gender pay gap measures the difference between average (median) hourly earnings of men and women, usually shown by the percentage men earn more than women.

Our gender pay gap information is captured on 31 March each year and reported on the Gender Pay Gap Service on ..Gov to comply with The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties and Public Authorities) (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017 methodology.

Summary of NRW’s Gender Pay Gap 2023 data

31 March

Gender Pay Gap (Mean)







down 2.3%



down 0.7%



Up 0.5%



Down 2.8%



down 0.5%



Up 0.3%



Down 0.3%


From figures captured in March 2023 analysis shows that the mean gender pay gap has reduced this year by 0.3% to 2.0%. This means that females earn 98p for every £1 males earn when comparing hourly pay.

Our median gender pay gap has also reduced this year to 3.1% a reduction of 3.3%. This shows that females earn 96.9p for every £1 males earn when comparing hourly pay.

Importantly, this gap does not mean that males are paid more than females for carrying out the same type of role.

Whilst the median pay gap shows a difference of (96.9p to every £1), the average does show that “on the whole”, the hourly salaries aren’t too far apart (98p to every £1). There are several factors that impact the pay gap e.g.

  • 2% of our workforce are male
  • 8% of our workforce are female
  • 93% of our male workforce work full time with 7% working part time
  • 77% of our female workforce work full time with 23% working part time
  • 60% of our upper quartile hourly salaries are male
  • There are more males than females in all our quartiles

To be compliant with the regulations, we have also published our data on the GOV.UK reporting portal.

Equality and Diversity Forum

We have an Equality and Diversity Forum group made up of representatives from our Board, Executive Team, each of our 8 Directorates, our Staff Networks and our Trade Unions. This group meets every three months to discuss equality and diversity issues and any actions arising are taken away and embedded in all that we do.

The forum members have Terms of Responsibility to adhere to.

Staff Networks

Our staff are encouraged to build and join internal networks that receive full support from the organisation. We value the input from our networks and listen closely to recommendations. We currently have 7 networks which are:

  • Assisted User (IT and Telephony) Group
  • Calon (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) Network
  • Christian Fellowship
  • Dementia Friends
  • Gender Equality and Women’s Network
  • Muslim Staff Network
  • Neuro-Diverse Staff Network

If you have any equality enquiries, please feel free to email us at: equalities@naturalresourceswales.gov.uk

Strategic equality objectives

Read our strategic equality objectives

Last updated