Our Annual Report and Accounts published

Natural Resources Wales’ (NRW) Annual Report and Accounts for 2023-24 have been published today, setting out how our work in communities across Wales is helping to address the climate, nature and pollution emergencies.  

It reflects on the year when our Corporate plan to 2030: Nature and people thriving together was launched - a plan that marked a turning point for NRW, setting a bold new direction for our work and setting out where we can make a difference, and where we can work with others to ensure the future of our planet, and everyone and everything that depend on it is safeguarded and enhanced.

In the report we demonstrate our focus on our three aims by:

  • Highlighting our efforts to support nature’s recovery through programmes like Natur am Byth, Nature Networks and the ‘Natur a Ni’ national conversation. 
  • Showcasing our efforts to help communities adapt and mitigate against the challenges of a changing climate, through our work to deliver everything from large-scale flood risk management schemes to the restoration of Wales’ network of peatlands.  
  • Demonstrating our commitment to minimising pollution in the roll-out of the specially- trained team carrying out compliance inspections of high-risk agricultural activities, and the acceleration of our partnership work to improve the quality of our rivers.  

The accounts include details of NRW’s discussions with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) regarding potential liabilities for off-payroll contractors used when internal skills were unavailable (more commonly known as IR35). We continue to discuss this matter, and the extent of the potential liability, that may be owed in order to achieve a resolution.