Members of the public wishing to join are welcome to observe the public session via Teams and then participate in an interactive Q&A session with the Board after the formal items have finished. Please be aware that agenda timings can change on the day and therefore to ensure that questions are heard, please submit these in advance by Monday at 5pm to the Board Secretariat

Please be aware that agenda timings can change on the day and therefore to ensure that questions are heard, please submit these in advance of the meeting to the Board Secretariat

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Time of meeting: 9:00 – 11:15

Time Item

09:00 (5 mins)

Item 1. Open Meeting

  • Welcome
  • Declaration of Interests
  • Explain conduct of meeting

Sponsor and Presenter: Sir David Henshaw (Chair)

Summary: To NOTE any declarations of interest

09:05 (5 mins)

Item 2. Review Minutes and Action Log

2A. Review Minutes from Public 21st March Meeting
2B. Review Public Action Log

Sponsor and Presenter: Sir David Henshaw (Chair)

Summary: To APPROVE the minutes of the previous meeting and the Action Log

09:10 (5 mins)

Item 3. Update from the Chair

Sponsor and Presenter: Sir David Henshaw (Chair)

Summary: To NOTE the Chair’s update to the Board

09:15 (15 mins)

Item 4. Report from the Chief Executive

Sponsor and Presenter: Clare Pillman, Chief Executive

Summary: To NOTE the current position and update the Board on key activities

Paper Ref: 24-05-B01

9:30 (20 mins)

Item 5. Update Reports of Committees and Forums

Sponsors and Presenters: Committee Chairs

  • Audit and Risk Assurance Committee
  • Evidence Advisory Committee – 14th May
  • Finance Committee – 25th April

Paper Ref: 24-05-B02

  • Flood Risk Management Committee – 18th April

Paper Ref: 24-05-B03

  • Land Estate Committee
  • People and Customer Committee
  • Protected Areas Committee
  • Wales Land Management Forum

Paper Ref: 24-05-B04

  • Wales Fisheries Forum

Paper Ref: 24-05-B05

  • Wales Water Management Forum

Paper Ref: 24-05-B06

  • National Access Forum for Wales

Paper Ref: 24-05-B07

Summary: To NOTE the updates from the Board Committees and NRW Forums, both within and outside and meetings held

9:50 (15 mins)

Item 6. Finance Performance Report

Sponsor: Rachael Cunningham, Executive Director of Finance and Corporate Services

Presenter: Rob Bell, Head of Finance

Summary: To APPROVE the latest financial position

Paper Ref: 24-05-B08

10:05 (45 mins)

Item 7. Recreation Strategy

Sponsor: Ceri Davies, Executive Director of Evidence, Policy and Permitting

Presenters: Dominic Driver, Head of Land Stewardship; Dawn Thompson, Estate Recreation Planning Team

Summary: To APPROVE the Recreation Strategy

Paper ref: 24-05-B09

10:50 (5 mins)

Item 8. AOB


Close Meeting

10:55 (20 mins)

Public Q&A


Close Public Meeting

Last updated